Chapter 2

Garrett knocked dark ash into a copper bowl and turned his head towards the boy. “You do realize what Luka will think if he finds you here, right kid?” He couldn’t help himself. Sometimes the sword wants to be a shovel, digging for treasure instead of biting into a familiar […]

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Chapter 1

Hannah, having never left home before, stared at the street urchin just inches from her face. His sharp odor punctured the invincible pretense of her elaborate palanquin, complete with far too many cushions, lace, and various sweet-smelling fragrances. Her head inched closer and closer to the edge, unapologetically scrutinizing the […]

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How had it come to this? Derek examined the strange knife in his hands by the hilt, turning this question over in his mind like it owed him money. It was a dagger unlike any he had ever seen, with an edge that he couldn’t quite perceive no matter how […]

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Affliction Part I: Trauma At 1241 Raven Drive, a child slept soundly without concern for tomorrow. For on the morrow, she was to visit her favorite orchard and pick apples with her classmates. She cherished this day of all school days because it was here that she could find her […]

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First Novel Update

Good morning! I began working on a fantasy novel a couple weeks ago and will keep everyone updated here.   More to come~